The 81st Venice Film Festival opened on August 28, 2024, with Tim Burton’s highly anticipated sequel ‘Beetlejuice Beetlejuice’, which received an enthusiastic 4-minute, 35-second ovation at its world premiere. The film, arriving 36 years after the original cult classic, features returning stars Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder, and Catherine O’Hara, alongside newcomers Jenna Ortega, Monica Bellucci, and Willem Dafoe.Burton expressed that this project was deeply personal and re-energizing, helping him overcome recent disillusionment with the film industry. ‘I just wanted to do it from my heart. Something that I wanted to do,’ Burton stated. The director’s return to his roots seems to have paid off, with the film described as a ‘retro joyride through old haunts’, although some critics noted it doesn’t push the tale in any radical new direction.The festival’s opening night marked a return to glamour after a year of Hollywood strikes. The red carpet saw a parade of stars, with the ‘Beetlejuice Beetlejuice’ cast drawing particular attention. Jenna Ortega stunned in a see-through red dress, while Winona Ryder opted for a black rock suit.Beyond the opening film, the festival promises a star-studded lineup over the next 10 days, including appearances by George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, and Lady Gaga. The event also honored Sigourney Weaver with a lifetime achievement Golden Lion, celebrating her pioneering roles and impact on cinema.’Beetlejuice Beetlejuice’ is set for international release on September 4, followed by its North American debut on September 6. As the festival continues until September 7, it reaffirms its position as a launchpad for potential Oscar contenders and a celebration of global cinema.
Key points
- Tim Burton’s ‘Beetlejuice Beetlejuice’ received a 4-minute, 35-second ovation at its Venice Film Festival premiere.
- Burton described the project as personal and re-energizing, helping him overcome disillusionment with the film industry.
- The festival’s opening night marked a return to glamour after a year of Hollywood strikes, featuring a star-studded red carpet.
- Sigourney Weaver was honored with a lifetime achievement Golden Lion at the festival.
Contradictions👾While most sources praised the film, The Guardian’s review described it as ‘underpowered and throwaway, lacking substance and fresh blood’, contrasting with the generally positive reception reported by other sources.