India celebrated its 78th Independence Day on August 15, 2024, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi leading the festivities at the Red Fort in Delhi. Modi hoisted the national flag for the 11th consecutive time, surpassing Manmohan Singh’s record of 10 flag hoistings but still behind Jawaharlal Nehru’s 17 and Indira Gandhi’s 16.In his address to the nation, Modi paid tribute to the freedom fighters, saying, ‘Today is the day to pay tributes to the uncountable ‘Azaadi ke deewane’ who made sacrifices for the nation. This country is indebted to them’. He also expressed sympathy for those affected by recent natural disasters, assuring them of the nation’s support.The Prime Minister emphasized the vision of ‘Viksit Bharat’ (Developed India) by 2047, which marks the centenary of India’s independence. Modi stated, ‘If 40 crore people can break shackles of slavery to gain freedom, just imagine what can be achieved by the resolve of 140 crore people’. He also shared suggestions from citizens on how to develop India by 2047, declaring, ‘This is our golden era, and we must not let this opportunity slip away’.The celebrations featured heightened security measures, with over 10,000 police officers and 3,000 traffic police personnel deployed in Delhi. The event was attended by special guests, including 6,000 individuals representing diverse sections of Indian society and athletes participating in the Paris Olympics 2024.
Key points
- Prime Minister Modi hoisted the national flag for the 11th consecutive time at the Red Fort.
- Modi emphasized the vision of ‘Viksit Bharat’ (Developed India) by 2047 in his Independence Day address.
- The celebrations featured heightened security measures and special guests, including Olympic athletes.