Marvel has unveiled the first trailer for its highly anticipated series ‘Agatha All Along’, a spinoff of the critically acclaimed ‘WandaVision’. The show, set to premiere on Disney+ on September 18, 2024, with a two-episode debut, follows the journey of Agatha Harkness, portrayed by Kathryn Hahn, as she attempts to reclaim her magical powers.The trailer reveals that Agatha, stripped of her abilities by Wanda Maximoff in ‘WandaVision’, teams up with a mysterious teenager to embark on a perilous journey down the Witches’ Road, a magical gauntlet of trials. ‘I miss the glory days,’ Hahn’s character laments in the trailer. ‘She took every bit of power I had, but I can be that witch again.’ Created by Jac Schaeffer, the mastermind behind ‘WandaVision’, ‘Agatha All Along’ promises a blend of horror, fantasy, and comedy elements. The series boasts a star-studded cast including Aubrey Plaza, Joe Locke, Patti LuPone, Sasheer Zamata, Ali Ahn, and Debra Jo Rupp.While the exact plot details remain under wraps, some sources suggest that the series may involve Agatha investigating a mysterious murder or even Wanda Maximoff’s death. However, these plot points have not been consistently reported across all sources.The show is part of Marvel’s Phase Five and is expected to explore the world of magic within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With its premiere date set for September 18, ‘Agatha All Along’ is poised to be a perfect Halloween treat for Marvel fans, offering seven episodes to be released weekly through November 6th.
Key points
- Marvel’s ‘Agatha All Along’, a spinoff of ‘WandaVision’, will premiere on Disney+ on September 18, 2024.
- The series follows Agatha Harkness (Kathryn Hahn) as she attempts to regain her magical powers.
- The show features a star-studded cast and blends elements of horror, fantasy, and comedy.
- ‘Agatha All Along’ is created by Jac Schaeffer, the mastermind behind ‘WandaVision’.
Contradictions👾Some sources suggest the plot involves Agatha investigating a murder or Wanda Maximoff’s death, while others do not mention these plot points.