In a tragic incident early on Wednesday, a fire engulfed two residential buildings in the Mangaf area of Ahmadi Governorate, Kuwait, claiming the lives of at least 41 individuals and injuring over 43. The fire, reported at around 6:00 am local time, spread rapidly, leading to fatalities primarily from asphyxiation due to smoke inhalation while many were asleep. Colonel Eid Rashid Al-Owaihan, head of the criminal evidence department at the Kuwaiti Ministry of the Interior, confirmed the death toll and indicated that the number of victims could rise. The majority of the deceased and injured were foreign workers residing in the densely populated area. Initial indications point to poor storage on the ground floor and the presence of many gas cylinders as potential contributors to the fire’s rapid spread. Kuwaiti authorities, including Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Sheikh Ahmad Fahad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah and Major General Eid Rashed Hamad, have stated that the cause of the fire is still under investigation. Rescue efforts were promptly initiated, with multiple fire and health teams dispatched to the scene. The Kuwait Ministry of Health reported that the injured are receiving medical treatment, with some in severe condition, and efforts are being made to ensure all necessary needs are met. The Kuwaiti government has taken immediate action, with the Interior Ministry instructing the police to detain the building’s owner and the owner of the company employing the workers. The incident has drawn attention to the issue of overcrowding in worker accommodations, with Deputy Prime Minister Sheikh Fahad Yusuf al-Sabah accusing real estate owners of violations and ‘greed’. The fire has been contained, and ongoing investigations aim to uncover the exact cause of this catastrophic event.
Key points
- A fire in Kuwait’s Mangaf area resulted in at least 41 deaths and over 43 injuries.
- The majority of the victims were foreign workers, and poor storage and gas cylinders may have contributed to the fire’s spread.
- Kuwaiti authorities are investigating the cause of the fire and have detained the building’s owner.