Narendra Modi commenced his third term as Prime Minister of India on June 9, 2024, with a coalition government reflecting continuity and experience. The swearing-in ceremony, presided over by President Droupadi Murmu, was a testament to Modi’s enduring political influence, despite the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) securing only 240 seats in the Lok Sabha elections. Modi, equating Jawaharlal Nehru’s record, leads a cabinet that includes 25 BJP members and one from each ally, with key figures like Rajnath Singh, Amit Shah, and Nirmala Sitharaman expected to maintain their roles. The new council of ministers boasts seven former chief ministers, reflecting a mix of seasoned leadership and fresh faces and includes 30 cabinet ministers, 5 with independent charge, and 36 ministers of state with some new additions like actor-turned-politician Suresh Gopi and first-time MP Harsh Malhotra. The ceremony, attended by over 8,000 invitees, including regional leaders and celebrities, was marred by a terrorist attack in Jammu and Kashmir, which claimed at least nine lives. Modi’s government faces the daunting tasks of tackling unemployment, inflation, and fulfilling the promise of transforming India into a developed nation by 2047. The coalition, expected to be more conciliatory and consultative, includes 10 ministers from NDA allies, with four in the Cabinet. Modi’s rival, Rahul Gandhi, is set to lead a reinvigorated opposition.
Key points
- Narendra Modi sworn in as India’s Prime Minister for a historic third term, leading a coalition government.
- The new cabinet includes 25 BJP members and one from each ally, with senior leaders expected to retain their portfolios.
- The ceremony was attended by over 8,000 guests, including regional leaders and celebrities.
- A terrorist attack in Jammu and Kashmir coincided with the swearing-in, resulting in casualties.
- The coalition government includes 10 ministers from NDA allies, indicating a collaborative governance approach.