In a somber incident on June 4, 2024, a Turkish Air Force SF-260D training aircraft met with a fatal accident in the Hasanarpa neighborhood of the Kocasinan district in Kayseri, Turkey. The crash claimed the lives of two pilots, Captain Uğur Yıldız and First Lieutenant Gökhan Özen, who were on a routine training flight. The Ministry of National Defense has initiated an investigation to ascertain the cause of the crash, which remains unknown at this time. In the wake of the accident, the Interior Minister, Ali Yerlikaya, has expressed his condolences to the families of the fallen pilots and to the nation while the wreckage of the aircraft has been secured for further forensic analysis at the Adli Tıp Kurum. The crash site in the agricultural area of Kayseri saw immediate deployment of firefighters, rescue teams, and police as reported by the state agency Anadolu. This tragic event has brought into focus the inherent risks of military aviation and the sacrifices made by service members in the line of duty.
Key points
- A military training aircraft, SF-260D, crashed in Kayseri, Turkey, resulting in the deaths of two pilots.
- The pilots killed in the crash were identified as Uğur Yıldız and Gökhan Özen.
- An investigation is underway to determine the cause of the crash, with search and rescue operations initiated.