A devastating fire erupted in a residential building in the Moulins neighborhood of Nice, France, in the early hours of July 18, 2024, claiming seven lives, including three children aged 5, 7, and 10. The blaze, which began around 1:00 GMT on the 7th floor of the building, quickly engulfed the upper levels, prompting a massive emergency response.Firefighters faced a ‘violent apartment fire’ and conducted three aerial rescues, evacuating 33 people from the building. Despite their efforts, seven people perished in the inferno, with one person in critical condition and two others hospitalized in serious condition. In a desperate attempt to escape, two individuals jumped from windows, resulting in one fatality.The local prosecutor’s office has opened a criminal investigation, prioritizing the possibility of arson. Éric Ciotti, a French deputy, expressed his shock on social media, stating, ‘Infinite shock after the terrible fire’. The city of Nice has established a crisis unit to support affected families, while French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin commended the swift action of rescue teams in preventing further casualties.This tragedy has deeply affected the community of Nice, a popular tourist destination with approximately 350,000 residents. As investigations continue, authorities are working to determine the exact cause of the fire and provide support to those impacted by this heartbreaking incident.
Key points
- A fire in a Nice, France apartment building resulted in seven deaths, including three children.
- The local prosecutor’s office has opened a criminal investigation, suspecting arson.
- The incident prompted a large-scale emergency response, with firefighters rescuing 33 people.
- Local and national officials, including French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, have responded to the tragedy.
Contradictions👾There are slight discrepancies in the reported time of the fire’s outbreak, with some sources stating 4am and others reporting 1:00 GMT.
Additionally, the exact number of injured varies slightly across reports, ranging from one to three people in serious condition.