Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Under Judicial Supervision in France Amidst Complex Legal Battle

Pavel Durov, the 39-year-old founder of Telegram, remains under strict judicial supervision in France following his arrest on August 24, 2024, at Le Bourget airport in Paris. After four days of detention, Durov was released on a 5 million euro bail but is prohibited from leaving France and must report to the police twice weekly.Durov faces a complex web of charges, including complicity in illegal transactions, child abuse, drug trafficking, and refusing to cooperate with authorities in criminal investigations. The Paris prosecutor’s office has formally charged him with six out of twelve previously mentioned crimes. If convicted, Durov could face up to 10 years in prison.In a surprising development, it was revealed that Durov attempted to contact Xavier Niel, a French billionaire close to President Emmanuel Macron, immediately after his detention. This has raised questions about Durov’s connections in France, including his previous meetings with Macron.The arrest has sparked international debate, with Russian officials warning against ‘political persecution’. However, both Macron and the French Foreign Ministry were reportedly unaware of the arrest warrant in advance.Durov’s French citizenship, granted in 2021, has also come under scrutiny. Despite his naturalization dossier reportedly containing ‘demande refusée’ stamps, Durov was naturalized by decree on August 23, 2021. Macron has defended this decision as part of a strategy for individuals who ‘make an effort to learn the French language’ and ‘shine in the world’.As the investigation continues, it may take up to 18 months to fully materialize the infractions and prove Durov’s complicity. The case continues to raise questions about the responsibility of messaging app providers and the balance between freedom of expression and law enforcement.

Key points

  • Pavel Durov, Telegram founder, remains under judicial supervision in France after his arrest.
  • Durov faces multiple serious charges, including complicity in illegal transactions and drug trafficking.
  • Durov’s French citizenship and connections with President Macron have come under scrutiny.
  • The case has sparked international debate about messaging app providers’ responsibilities.
  • Contradictions👾While some sources state that Durov was unaware of the arrest warrant, others suggest that the investigation had been ongoing for months.

    👾There are conflicting reports about whether Durov was able to contact Xavier Niel after his arrest.

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