Telegram has officially responded to the arrest of its founder and CEO, Pavel Durov, in France, stating that he ‘has nothing to hide’ and emphasizing the company’s compliance with EU laws, including the Digital Services Act. The messaging platform asserts that its content moderation meets industry standards and is constantly improving. Telegram’s statement reads, ‘It’s absurd to claim that the platform or its owner are responsible for the misuse of the platform’.Durov, who holds French citizenship, was arrested on August 24, 2024, at Paris’s Charles de Gaulle Airport after returning from Azerbaijan. He faces serious charges including complicity in terrorism, drug trafficking, fraud, and child exploitation. French authorities allege that Telegram’s lack of moderation and cooperation with law enforcement has enabled these criminal activities.The arrest has sparked international debate. Supporters, including Elon Musk and Edward Snowden, view it as an attack on freedom of expression. Musk tweeted ‘#FreePavel’ and later ‘Liberté. Liberté! Liberté?’ in French. Conversely, critics argue that Telegram should be held accountable for content on its platform.The Russian embassy in France has requested consular access to Durov, citing his Russian citizenship. However, French authorities are prioritizing Durov’s French citizenship and have so far refused to engage with Russian officials on this matter.If convicted, Durov could face up to 20 years in prison. He is set to appear before a French court on Sunday, August 26, 2024. The case continues to raise important questions about the balance between online privacy, freedom of expression, and the responsibility of platform owners in moderating content and cooperating with law enforcement.
Key points
- Telegram officially responded to Pavel Durov’s arrest, denying responsibility for platform misuse and asserting compliance with EU laws.
- Durov faces charges including complicity in terrorism, drug trafficking, and fraud, potentially facing up to 20 years in prison if convicted.
- The case has sparked international debate on platform accountability versus freedom of expression.
Contradictions👾While Telegram claims compliance with EU laws and industry standards for content moderation, French authorities allege that the platform’s lack of moderation has enabled criminal activities.