Bollywood actress Malaika Arora’s father, Anil Arora, has died in an apparent suicide on September 11, 2024, in Mumbai. According to multiple reports, Anil Arora jumped from the terrace of his residential building in Bandra, Mumbai, around 9 a.m.. He was rushed to Bhabha hospital but was declared dead upon arrival.Malaika Arora, who was in Pune at the time of the incident, immediately returned to Mumbai upon hearing the news. She was seen arriving at her father’s residence, visibly distraught and in tears. Her ex-husband Arbaaz Khan, current partner Arjun Kapoor, and other family members including Salim Khan, Sohail Khan, and her sister Amrita Arora were spotted at the scene, offering support.The Mumbai Police are investigating the incident and have conducted a ‘panchnama’ (inspection) of the spot. While initial reports suggest suicide, a source close to the family claimed it was an accident. Malaika’s mother, Joyce Polycarp, told the police that Anil Arora routinely sat on the balcony every morning and had been experiencing knee pain, but was not suffering from any illness.Anil Arora, a former Merchant Navy employee, was 65 years old. He and Joyce Polycarp had divorced when Malaika was 11 years old, but had been living together in recent years. The exact reasons behind the incident remain unknown, and the police are investigating all angles.The tragic event has sent shockwaves through the Bollywood industry, with many celebrities expressing their condolences. As the investigation continues, the family has not yet released an official statement.
Key points
- Malaika Arora’s father, Anil Arora, died in an apparent suicide by jumping from his residential building in Mumbai.
- The incident occurred on September 11, 2024, and has shocked the Bollywood industry.
- Mumbai Police are investigating the circumstances, with conflicting reports about whether it was a suicide or an accident.
- Family members and celebrities have gathered to support Malaika Arora during this difficult time.
Contradictions👾While most sources report the incident as a suicide, a source close to the family claimed it was an accident.
The police are investigating all possibilities.