A devastating tragedy unfolded in the English Channel on September 3, 2024, as a boat carrying over 60 migrants capsized off the northern coast of France, resulting in at least 12 deaths and numerous injuries. The vessel, attempting to reach England from France, broke apart in rough waters near Cap Gris-Nez, prompting a large-scale rescue operation by French authorities.French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin reported that 51 people were rescued, with two in critical condition. However, other sources suggest the number of rescued individuals could be as high as 65. The majority of the victims were women, including some minors, and at least two people are still missing. Among the deceased were a pregnant woman and six children.This incident marks 2024 as the deadliest year for migrant crossings in the Channel, with 37 deaths recorded since January. The tragedy has sparked renewed calls for action to combat human trafficking and strengthen border security. British Home Secretary Yvette Cooper described the incident as ‘appalling and deeply tragic,’ emphasizing the need to dismantle smuggler gangs.The dangerous nature of these crossings was highlighted by Olivier Barbarin, mayor of Le Portel, who stated, ‘Unfortunately, the bottom of the boat ripped open’. Many of those on board did not have life preservers, further increasing the risk.In response to the tragedy, both French and British officials have called for increased cooperation. Darmanin urged for a ‘migrant treaty’ between London and the EU, while new British Prime Minister Keir Starmer has announced plans to speed up asylum processing and strengthen efforts to combat human traffickers.As rescue efforts continue, this incident serves as a grim reminder of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Channel. According to UK Home Office data, at least 21,615 migrants have attempted to cross the English Channel on small boats since the start of the year, highlighting the urgent need for comprehensive and humane solutions to address the root causes of these dangerous journeys.
Key points
- At least 12 migrants died when their boat capsized in the English Channel on September 3, 2024.
- This incident marks 2024 as the deadliest year for migrant crossings in the Channel.
- French and British officials are calling for increased cooperation and stronger measures against human trafficking.
- The tragedy highlights the ongoing humanitarian crisis and the dangers faced by migrants attempting to cross the Channel.
Contradictions👾There are discrepancies in the reported number of rescued individuals, with figures ranging from 51 to 65.
👾The exact death toll varies slightly between sources, with most reporting 12 deaths, while one source mentions 13.