Pavel Durov, the 39-year-old founder of Telegram, has been released from custody in France but placed under strict judicial supervision following his arrest on August 24 at Le Bourget airport. Durov faces 12 criminal charges, including complicity in illegal transactions, child abuse, drug trafficking, and refusing to cooperate with authorities in criminal investigations.Under the terms of his release, Durov must reside at an address designated by the judge, report to the police twice weekly, and is prohibited from leaving French territory. His passports have been confiscated, and he has paid a 5 million euro bail. If convicted, Durov could face up to 10 years in prison, with the most serious charge being illegal narcotics trafficking as part of an organized group.Durov’s lawyer, David-Olivier Kaminski, has called the charges ‘absurd,’ arguing that it’s unreasonable to hold a platform or its owner responsible for user-generated content. Telegram has stated that its moderation is ‘within industry standards and constantly improving’.The case has sparked international debate about the responsibility of messaging app providers and the balance between freedom of expression and law enforcement. Russian officials have accused France of political persecution, while figures like Elon Musk have voiced support for Durov.In a separate development, French and Swiss authorities are also investigating several other cases related to Durov, including questions about the legality of his French citizenship. This comes after revelations that Durov had met with the French President on several occasions before obtaining French citizenship through the ’eminent foreigner’ procedure in 2021.
Key points
- Pavel Durov faces 12 criminal charges in France, including complicity in illegal activities on Telegram.
- Durov has been released under strict judicial supervision, including a 5 million euro bail and travel restrictions.
- The case raises questions about platform responsibility and the balance between free speech and law enforcement.
- French authorities are also investigating the legality of Durov’s French citizenship.
Contradictions👾While some sources state Durov faces 12 charges, others mention only six formal charges.
This discrepancy might be due to the evolving nature of the case or differences in reporting.