Oasis, the legendary British rock band, has officially announced their long-awaited reunion after a 15-year hiatus. Brothers Liam and Noel Gallagher have put aside their notorious feud to embark on the ‘Oasis Live ’25 World Tour’ in 2025. The tour will kick off with 14 confirmed dates across the UK and Ireland, including performances in Cardiff, Manchester, London, Edinburgh, and Dublin.Contrary to earlier speculation, the band has explicitly stated that they will not be playing at Glastonbury or any other festivals in 2025. In a statement, Oasis declared, ‘Despite media speculation, Oasis will not be playing Glastonbury 2025 or any other festivals next year. The only way to see the band perform will be on their Oasis Live ’25 World Tour’.Adding to the excitement, original guitarist Bonehead has been confirmed to join the tour. Noel Gallagher has reportedly brought in members of his band Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds to complete the lineup.The reunion tour is expected to be a massive financial success. According to Matt Grimes, director of Birmingham City University’s commerce course, the tour could generate up to £400 million in revenue. Ticket prices are anticipated to be significantly higher than in the band’s heyday, with Liam and Noel Gallagher each potentially earning £50 million from the tour.Fans are eagerly awaiting ticket sales, which are set to begin on August 31, 2024. Industry experts predict unprecedented demand, with one insider claiming, ‘these shows will sell out in less than three minutes’.The Oasis reunion marks a significant moment in British music history, coming 30 years after the release of their debut album ‘Definitely Maybe’. As Tom Kiehl, director of the UK Music federation, puts it, this is ‘one of those moments that only happen once a generation’. With plans to expand the tour to other continents in 2026, the Oasis comeback is set to be a global phenomenon, rekindling the passion of fans worldwide.
Key points
- Oasis has officially announced their reunion tour for 2025, with 14 confirmed dates across the UK and Ireland.
- The band has explicitly stated they will not be playing at Glastonbury or any other festivals in 2025.
- Original guitarist Bonehead is confirmed to join the tour.
- The tour is expected to generate up to £400 million in revenue.
- Ticket sales are set to begin on August 31, 2024, with unprecedented demand expected.