The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has intensified its probe into the rape and murder of a junior doctor at RG Kar Medical College in Kolkata, conducting polygraph tests on seven individuals, including the main accused Sanjay Roy and former principal Sandeep Ghosh. The horrific crime, which occurred on August 9, has sparked widespread protests and scrutiny of hospital administration.Roy, who broke down in court claiming innocence, saying ‘I haven’t committed any crime. I’m being framed’, has been sent to 14 days of judicial custody in Presidency Jail. However, crucial evidence has emerged against him. CCTV footage shows Roy entering the hospital at 1:03 am on August 9, wearing a Bluetooth earphone later found at the crime scene. The CBI report also confirms that DNA profiles of the victim and Roy match.The investigation has expanded to include corruption allegations against former principal Sandeep Ghosh. Dr. Akhtar Ali, a former deputy superintendent of R.G. Kar, has accused Ghosh of taking a 20% commission on tenders, accepting bribes for hostel allotments and staff selection, and involvement in the trade of cadavers and biological waste. The CBI is likely to arrest Ghosh soon, pending the outcome of the ongoing investigation.The case has raised serious questions about hospital security and administration. The Supreme Court has inquired about the delay in registering the FIR and the lack of initial investigation by the police and hospital administration. As the investigation continues, the medical community and public await justice, with the incident having led to the suspension of elective services for 11 days.
Key points
- CBI conducts polygraph tests on seven individuals, including main accused Sanjay Roy and former principal Sandeep Ghosh.
- CCTV footage and DNA evidence implicate Sanjay Roy in the rape and murder of a junior doctor at RG Kar Medical College.
- Corruption allegations against former principal Sandeep Ghosh are being investigated, with potential arrest looming.
- The case has sparked widespread protests and scrutiny of hospital administration and security.
Contradictions👾While Sanjay Roy claims innocence, the CBI has described him as a ‘pervert and severely addicted to pornography’ with ‘animal-like instinct’ and no remorse for the crime.
👾There are conflicting reports about whether the incident was a single rape or a gang rape, with the CBI report suggesting it was a single incident, while some sources still mention the possibility of multiple perpetrators.