In a shocking incident that has stunned Spain, an 11-year-old boy named Mateo was fatally stabbed on Sunday morning while playing soccer at the Ángel Tardío sports center in Mocejón, a small town near Toledo. The attack occurred around 9:45-10:00 AM when a masked individual, believed to be a teenager aged 15-17, suddenly appeared on the field and stabbed the child with a sharp object, presumed to be a knife.Despite immediate efforts by emergency services to revive him, Mateo was already in cardiac arrest and was pronounced dead at the scene. The perpetrator fled immediately after the attack, possibly in a vehicle.The Guardia Civil has launched a large-scale manhunt to find the attacker, whose motives remain unknown. The search operation involves multiple patrols, a helicopter, and specialized units including the Judicial Police and the Information Group of the Toledo Command.The community of Mocejón, home to about 5,000 residents, is in shock. The municipality has declared three days of official mourning. Concha Sedillo, the mayor of Mocejón, expressed the town’s collective grief: ‘We are shocked by this event, and above all, we want to express our support to the family and friends of the little boy.’ A minute of silence was called for 19:30 local time in front of the town hall.Emiliano García-Page, the President of the autonomous community of Castilla-La Mancha, conveyed his condolences and called for swift justice: ‘I express my condolences and solidarity with the family of the minor and hope that the perpetrator is found and brought to justice as soon as possible.’ As the investigation continues, authorities have ordered the case to be kept secret. The tragic event has raised concerns about public safety and left many questioning how such a horrific incident could occur in what was described as a ‘tranquil town’.
Key points
- An 11-year-old boy named Mateo was fatally stabbed while playing soccer in Mocejón, Spain.
- The attacker, believed to be a teenager, was masked and fled the scene.
- A large-scale manhunt involving multiple units of the Guardia Civil is underway.
- The community has declared three days of mourning, reflecting the shock and grief over the incident.
Contradictions👾Some sources initially reported the victim’s age as 10 years old, while most later reports confirmed he was 11.
👾There are slight discrepancies in the reported time of the attack, with sources citing times between 9:45 AM and 10:00 AM.