A devastating train accident occurred in Jharkhand’s Seraikela-Kharsawan district, India, in the early hours of Tuesday, July 30, 2024, resulting in at least two deaths and injuring up to 20 passengers. The Mumbai-Howrah Mail train derailed near Badabamboo station at approximately 3:45 AM when it collided with a stationary goods train.The accident involved 18 coaches of the train, including passenger coaches, a power car, and a pantry car. The train was reportedly traveling at 120 kmph when the incident occurred. Rescue operations are currently underway, with medical teams providing first aid to the injured at the scene. Many of the affected passengers are being transported to Chakradharpur for further medical treatment.This tragic event marks India’s third major railway accident in less than two months, raising serious concerns about rail safety in the country. In response to the accident, the South Eastern Railway has set up helpline numbers for passengers and their families affected by the derailment. Several trains have been cancelled or terminated due to the accident.West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee expressed condolences to the families of the deceased and criticized the central government for the recurring rail incidents. The Railways have announced compensation for the injured passengers.As investigations into the cause of the accident continue, this incident underscores the urgent need for improved safety measures and infrastructure across India’s extensive rail network.
Key points
- A train accident in Jharkhand, India resulted in two deaths and at least 20 injuries.
- The Mumbai-Howrah Mail collided with a stationary goods train, causing 18 coaches to derail.
- This is India’s third major railway accident in less than two months, raising concerns about rail safety.
- Rescue operations are ongoing, and the Railways have announced compensation for the injured.