Tenacious D, the comedy rock duo led by Jack Black and Kyle Gass, has abruptly canceled their world tour following a controversial comment made by Gass about the recent assassination attempt on former US President Donald Trump. During a concert in Sydney, Australia on July 14, Gass said ‘Don’t miss Trump next time’ while celebrating his birthday on stage. The remark immediately sparked outrage and went viral on social media.Jack Black, who claimed to be ‘blindsided’ by the comment, swiftly issued an apology and announced the cancellation of the tour. In a statement, Black said, ‘I would never condone hate speech or encourage political violence in any form’. Gass also apologized via Instagram, calling his remark ‘absolutely out of place, dangerous, and a terrible mistake’.The controversy has led to significant consequences for the band. Their show in Newcastle, New South Wales was postponed, and there have been calls for the band’s deportation from Australia. Australian federal senator Ralph Babet demanded that the duo be deported and their remaining concerts in the country be canceled.The band’s ‘Spicy Meatball Tour’ was scheduled to continue throughout Australia and New Zealand in July before returning to the US for dates in October. However, Black announced that all future creative plans are now on hold.This incident has reignited discussions about the boundaries of comedy and political speech, especially in the context of recent political violence. It also highlights the swift and severe consequences that can follow controversial statements in the age of social media.
Key points
- Tenacious D cancels world tour after Kyle Gass makes controversial joke about Trump assassination attempt.
- Jack Black and Kyle Gass both issue apologies, with Black stating he would never condone hate speech or political violence.
- The incident has led to calls for the band’s deportation from Australia and the cancellation of their remaining concerts.
- The controversy highlights the potential consequences of political jokes in the entertainment industry.
Contradictions👾While most sources report that Jack Black canceled the tour, some articles suggest that the decision was made jointly by the band.