The wedding of Anant Ambani, youngest son of Asia’s richest man Mukesh Ambani, to Radhika Merchant is currently underway in Mumbai, India, marking the culmination of months of extravagant pre-wedding celebrations. The four-day event, which began on July 12, is taking place at the Jio World Convention Center and is estimated to cost between $600 million and £500 million, representing about 0.05% of the Ambani family’s net worth.The wedding has attracted a star-studded guest list from around the world, including celebrities, business tycoons, and politicians. Notable attendees include Kim Kardashian, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Tony Blair, and David Beckham. The event has also featured performances by international artists, with Rihanna and Justin Bieber reportedly receiving multi-million dollar fees for their appearances.The Ambani family’s display of wealth has not been without controversy. Critics have pointed out the growing wealth gap in India, leading the family to organize charitable events such as a mass wedding for over 50 underprivileged couples on July 2. The wedding’s scale has also impacted daily life in Mumbai, with local authorities implementing traffic diversions around the venue from July 12-15.As of the latest update, Anant Ambani’s baarat (groom’s procession) has left the family residence, Antilia, in a flower-clad car, heading towards the wedding venue. The celebrations are expected to continue with a series of ceremonies and receptions, reflecting the luxury and stature of the Ambani family.
Key points
- The Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant wedding is a four-day event estimated to cost up to $600 million.
- The guest list includes global celebrities, business leaders, and politicians.
- The extravagant celebration has sparked discussions about wealth inequality in India.
- The wedding is the culmination of months of pre-wedding festivities featuring international artists.
Contradictions👾There are slight discrepancies in the reported cost of the wedding, with estimates ranging from $600 million to £500 million.