Egypt Takes Action Amidst Pilgrim Deaths During Scorching Hajj Season

The Egyptian government is confronting a crisis following the deaths of numerous pilgrims during this year’s Hajj season in Saudi Arabia, primarily attributed to extreme temperatures that soared past 50 degrees Celsius. In response, Prime Minister Mustafa Madbouly has chaired an emergency committee to provide support to the families of the deceased and to ensure the safety of remaining pilgrims. The committee has decided to suspend 16 tourism companies and refer their officials to the public prosecutor’s office for investigation into irregularities surrounding the pilgrimage arrangements. The crisis has underscored the challenges faced by the Egyptian authorities in safeguarding their citizens during such large-scale religious events, especially under harsh environmental conditions. The Egyptian embassy in Saudi Arabia, led by Ambassador Ahmed Abdel-Majid, has been praised for its efforts to assist Egyptian citizens during the Hajj season. Meanwhile, Ahmed Saleh, head of the Hajj and Umrah Committee in Medina, has confirmed that there have been no reported deaths or missing persons among the pilgrims in Medina. The heatwave affecting the region has had a significant impact on the pilgrims, with many unregistered individuals lacking access to cooling facilities and thus being more exposed to the risk of heat-related illnesses. The Saudi government has been criticized for inadequate safety measures, particularly for unregistered pilgrims who are unable to access air-conditioned areas. The Saudi Health Minister has emphasized the resources allocated to ensure pilgrim well-being, but reports of poor management and lack of facilities persist. As the Hajj season concludes, the Egyptian government’s crisis cell continues to work with Saudi authorities to facilitate the repatriation of the deceased and to identify any missing pilgrims. The situation remains a focal point for both national and international concern, as the high number of deaths during this religious observance calls for a reevaluation of the measures in place to protect pilgrims from the severe climate conditions experienced in the region.

Key points

  • Egyptian government responds to pilgrim deaths during Hajj by suspending 16 tourism companies and initiating investigations.
  • Extreme heatwave with temperatures exceeding 50 degrees Celsius cited as a major cause of pilgrim fatalities.
  • Egyptian embassy in Saudi Arabia commended for its support of Egyptian citizens during the Hajj season.
  • No reported deaths or missing persons among pilgrims in Medina, according to Hajj and Umrah Committee.

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