A devastating event unfolded at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport on the afternoon of May 29, 2024, when an individual was killed after entering the rotating engine of a KLM Cityhopper Embraer E190 plane, bound for Billund, Denmark. The incident, which occurred around 3:00 PM during the pushback procedure of flight KL1341, has shocked passengers and crew members, some of whom are receiving medical attention for the distress caused by witnessing the event. The identity of the person has not been disclosed, and it remains unclear whether they were a passenger, crew member, or airport staff. Dutch authorities, including the Royal Marechaussee and the Dutch Safety Board, have swiftly launched an investigation to ascertain the details of the accident, including whether it was an accidental death or a deliberate act. Initial reports suggest that the incident is being treated as a possible suicide, but this has not been confirmed. The incident has not impeded flight operations at Schiphol Airport, one of Europe’s busiest hubs, which serves approximately 5.5 million passengers monthly. KLM has expressed its condolences and is providing psychological support to those affected, as the airline and airport authorities work closely with investigators to understand how such a tragedy could have occurred.
Key points
- An individual died at Schiphol Airport after being sucked into the engine of a KLM Cityhopper Embraer E190 aircraft.
- The incident took place as the aircraft was preparing for takeoff to Billund, Denmark, and is being investigated as a possible suicide.
- The Dutch Royal Marechaussee and the Dutch Safety Board are conducting the investigation, while flight operations at Schiphol Airport continue.